Free Gems Promo Code to Pocket Option
If you are looking for free gems for Pocket Option, you have come to the right place. On this page you will find a list of available promo codes that you can use for free. Just copy the code and paste it in the appropriate place on the platform to claim your gems. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do this.
![2 Green Gems](
How to activate promo code?
Pocket Option gives you the opportunity to use Promo Codes. If you have used this function before, you probably know how it all works. To be sure, below we present what this process looks like step by step.
- Copy the promo code from our website.
- Log in to the Pocket Option platform.
- On the left, select the “finance” tab
- Select the “promo code” option and enter the code.
- Confirm with the “activate” button
How to use gems?
Gems are a virtual currency in Pocket Option that allows you to make purchases in the store. In the store you can buy add-ons such as Risk Free Trades, Cashbacks, bonuses and much more. You can get some of the products available in the store for free using our codes.
If you collect enough gems, you can, for example, buy $500 Risk Free Trade. As you can see, it can be very profitable, but it requires consistent gem collection. You also receive these bonds in the form of rewards for deposits and account activity.